Love for a mother changes over the years. When we are small they are our whole world. We love them like no other. The sun rises and sets in their eyes and their presence.
As we start to experience the world growing into our teenage years we love our mothers but we may not always like them. It's not really even them, it's the rules they enforce and the boundaries they set. Life doesn't always seem fair. And since they are generally the enforcers of said rules, they get the brunt of our displeasure.
As we become young adults we appreciate the sacrifices they made for us and love them so much more for it. We understand now that the boundaries and the rules were for our own good, to protect us and keep us safe. We may even feel a little guilty about giving them a difficult time during those years.
As we mature into adulthood our mothers become more our friends, our confidants. Our love for them is one of mutual respect.
If or when we become parents our understanding of unconditional love is achieved. It's one of the most amazing and frightening experiences in your life and at that moment the love for your own mother comes full circle. You understand how they can forgive you after you pushed their buttons as children or their rules as teenagers. You understand the fears of the unknown about raising children and that your own mother was just trying to do the best for you. You love them more for their patience and that no matter what, they still love you because you are their child. I have been blessed in my life to have a mother who has taught me about life. Whenever she was met with adversity in her life she faced it head on and fought to overcome it. She sacrificed and did the best she could for my brother and I. When I look back on my childhood I have such fond memories and can only hope that through my mother's example I can give my own children the safe and loving environment that I was privileged with. To all the mothers, mother-to-be, mother-in-laws, like-a-mother, or anyone else who took on that role in someone's life I wish you a Happy Mother's Day. And to my own mom I thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. I couldn't ask for a better mother and Grammy to my littles. Happy Mother's Day.
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