Thursday, October 6, 2016

Life's Moments

We tend to measure life in moments and/or milestones. Times in our lives that are remembered because of moments when our lives feel so full; full of love, full of sorrow, full of happiness, full of loss. One of these moments in my life was five years ago today, October 6th 2011 at 6:46 a.m. when I became a mother.
I will never forget the time leading up to that day. More than a week past my due date I was ready to go into labor at any moment. On October 5th I went to my friend Michelle's house because we were both off that day and we were going to binge watch some episodes of our favorite paranormal show while eating some delicious pasta salad from Whole Foods (if you ever have a chance to try smoked mozzarella pasta salad do it!). That afternoon I had a doctor's appointment to check on things so we paused our show and I left Michelle's house saying, "I'll be back in about an hour" not realizing that would not be the case.
I went in for my appointment and due to some issues my doctor said "well let's send you in to the hospital for an induction." Wait, what did you just say?! Totally unprepared to hear those words, I called my husband who had just finished up a surgery case and informed him I was being sent to the hospital for induction. After calling our families, my next phone call was to my friend letting her know I would in fact not be back to finish our show.
After being admitted to the hospital and getting everything taken care of we got started that night on the medication to induce labor. Luckily for me one of my old friends/coworkers from Labor and Delivery had moved hospitals and was my nurse that night. And I was more than thankful for that familiar face! I tried to tough it out as long as I could before I got my epidural. Around midnight I was too exhausted and hurting too much with the intentness of the contractions that I was ready for some relief. I called for Jennifer and woke my husband, who was sleeping so peacefully on the pull out couch in my room (more on that in a minute!) and got things started so I could get that much needed relief.
After that it was smooth sailing. My husband, who had put in a long day of surgery and would have to go back in the morning for a big surgery case he had scheduled, went and laid back down while I laid there in the dark watching the monitor with my contractions and fetal heart rate waiting for the moment I would be told it was time to begin. 
After pushing for about thirty minutes the baby (at this point we didn't know the gender of our baby) was having some distress. I will never forget the moment the doctor told the my friend, the nurse, to go get his forceps because if I couldn't push the baby out in the next three pushes he was going to pull it out. You want to talk about adrenaline rush! Though I trusted my doctor completely I was not about to have him deliver my baby with forceps. And so I pushed with everything I had. And then it was over.
I heard that little cry and the very next thing I heard is "you guys have a little boy" and he held him up for us to see and I became flooded with emotions.
When they say something is indescribable that is truly how I felt in that moment when I became a mother. I was exhilarated, exhausted, in love, surprised (we don't find out genders of our little's before delivery) and completely afraid; every single emotion one can feel I felt in those few seconds upon seeing his beautiful little face. The first moment I got to hold him I just stared at him. I was a mother. He was my son. No amount of words can fill in that moment and then he opened his little eyes and stared right back at me. All I could do was smile, and said "Hi I am your mommy."
I relive that moment every year on this day. It is something I cherish with every ounce of my being. He is such a wonderful little boy. Full of life and happiness just like the meaning of his name. And he has given me more life, love and happiness in his five years than I could have ever imagined was possible.