The first time Boomer went on a late night adventure we scoured the internet looking for ways to entice him to come back to his home after having spent hours looking for him. There were plenty of suggestions because apparently it is not uncommon for these furry friends to make jail breaks. The most popular suggestion was to place his home on the ground with fresh food and treats and he will likely return. And they were right. By the next morning he was happily snuggled back into his little house in his habitat. Kids were happy, mom was especially happy, and all was well in the world again. I was grateful we survived our hamster adventure and took extra care to make sure that would not happen again. But it did. Several times in fact. I believe Boomer to be some kind of escape artist. He most times would stay in the upstairs bathroom, nestled in until we found him in his favorite corner of the linen closet. Occasionally he would venture out and be found under our oldest son's bed. And of course the one time he paid me a nice visit in the downstairs hallway bathroom.
The first night he was gone this time we tried the same tactic that worked the first time. Knowing he was no longer in the upstairs bathroom we placed his home in the upstairs hallway with a fresh bowl of food and treats. The next morning we woke and everything was as we had left it. Boomer had obviously made the dangerous trek down the 15 stairs and had made it to the main floor as I had thought. So we spent a lot of yesterday pulling out furniture, appliances etc again but he continued to evade us. So last night I decided to put his home in the middle of the living room floor. I knew if I were to find our little friend it would likely be in the middle of the night and so at 320am when I found myself awake I decided to check his cage. Yep he'd been in there. But he wasn't anymore. His treats gone, his food bowl moved, the evidence obvious. But no Boomer. And so off I went. It took me all of about five minutes to go into the kitchen to make a cup of tea when I saw his furry self scurry across the floor trying to find a new hiding spot. Caught ya! And so off we went on our struggle, him trying to remain a free man (we think he's a he) and I trying to wrangle the furry creature like trying to catch a pig in slop. Eventually the reality hit him that I was not giving up until he was secured in his home, either that or he just got too tired from running and he let me catch him. He was safely placed back in his home, at which time he went to his water container and drank like a kid in the sun on a summer day. And so his adventure ended at 430 this morning. Until next time Boomer.....
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