Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mommy will you lay with me?

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday, so small and so precious. Even from those beginning days I knew he was going to be a loving child. Back then I worked night shift. He would be home those hours with his dad and I would look forward to those afternoon naps with him when I would get home in the morning. One, because I was so exhausted and two, because he loved to be snuggled. When we moved to Seattle for my husband’s final years of residency/fellowship the majority of that time it was just my son and me. We would have campouts on the floor, late night movie sessions (I swear I never want to watch the Lorax ever again in my lifetime) and lots of snuggles.
From the time he could talk clearly, every single night he would ask me to lay with him until he fell asleep. We would brush his teeth, say good night to ALL of his stuffed friends, I would tuck him in and then his sweet little voice would say "I love you mommy, will you lay with me?" When his sister came along it got a little harder. Still most nights on our own we would all end up sleeping in my bed because he insisted that I lay with him and his sister (bless her and her colicky days, thanks to a milk protein allergy) also needed me to comfort and lay with her.
As he gets older, he will be 7 in the Fall, I wait for it. I wait for the day I tuck him in and he doesn't utter those sweet words. I wait for it because I know my heart will break a little. It will mark a change, that he is growing older and those days of my comfort and snuggles will not be needed or wanted as much. I see it all around me. My friend’s kids that I knew as children now growing into their teenage years and even going off to college. I want to savor these moments as long as I can. Because I know they will not last forever. Every night I find myself tucking him in, holding my breath and hoping he will still want me to lay with him until he falls asleep. Just one more night I tell myself every night. Just give me one more night. One more night that he needs me and wants my comfort and snuggles. These moments don't last forever. I see him changing in front of my eyes. Growing and maturing. So, I try to cherish the moments I get. I am thankful for tonight. That I got one more night of his snuggles. We will see what happens tomorrow.

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