Thursday, September 20, 2018

Picture Day

Today is picture day. Normally I love picture day. It usually includes picking out a nice shirt for my kids. Making sure their hair is combed and their teeth are shiny and bright. And a small talk from me that they have to keep their clothes clean and tucked in until the photo has been taken. Today however is a different kind of picture day. One that is quite frankly stressing me out. I have spent the last twenty-four hours cleaning, organizing and staging our home for pictures. We have a small window of time to get our home on the market and get it sold before our next great adventure begins. I find the cleaning and organizing easy compared to the task of keeping my little cherubs out of everything and not touch things until the pictures are complete. Now that feels almost impossible. On the bright side, it is almost time for the big production. Then we can resume life in our normal chaotic fashion. Well until we get a showing. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words however I need these photos to be worth a thousand and one. These will be the photos that will bring people to our home and if we’re lucky, buy it. These photos will be the ones that tell our story of our life here in this house. Will the magnificent fire place draw a buyer in like how it captured my heart the moment I saw it?
Will people see themselves sitting around it having conversations? Or like me, see years of family photos in front of it? Will they wander around and see all of our wonderful Amish furniture that we love so much and replace it with their own in their minds and how it will look in those spots?

Will they move through the rooms with ease and feel right at home? Will they be able to see and feel how much we loved it here and see how they will love it too? I hope so. I hope the pictures today turn out wonderful. I hope they say a thousand and one words. I hope that, once on the internet, they will draw buyers to us. And I hope that picture day will be over soon because if I have to tell my kids to put their toys away one more time…….to be continued 😂

1 comment:

  1. Your house is amazing! Someone will surely love it as much as you do !! Hope it goes well !
