The relationship of siblings is one of the most complex and yet at times the simplest relationships one can have with another person. You have the best times with them and the biggest fights as well. You love them always but don't always like them. I know, I have three siblings myself. I have so many wonderful memories growing up and the majority of them include one or more of my siblings. Especially the one that is closest in age to me. It is very different being a sibling and watching siblings. I love witnessing the developing relationship of our children. I was worried that with three years between them they may not be close. I am finding that I may have been a little premature in that conclusion or worry. In the beginning our son had high hopes of a playmate exiting the womb. To his displeasure he quickly realized his new sibling would not be playing trucks or hide-and-seek with him. He always wanted to see her and hug her but you could tell he was not quite sure about this tiny human who was demanding so much of mommy's attention, not wanting very much of his. As they have gotten older though and our daughter has become more interactive and playful I see the dynamic changing. They play together and fight even at their tender age. There is absolutely nothing more endearing to me then to hear them playing and my son making my daughter laugh so hard she can hardly breath. They can get mad and fight with each other but as soon as one of them gets in trouble the other one gets mad at me and starts defending the other. Even our daughter with her baby babble will walk over to me and yell in her own little language when her brother gets into trouble. Our daughter isn't quite to the age of understanding punishment but she sees her brother go to time out and she dutifully goes and sits next to him paying his penance as well until he gets up. There have been times when our son will get hurt and cry and our daughter will cry with/for him too. Or when our daughter gets hurt and her brother kisses her injury for her, telling me "it's ok mommy I've got this."
It is the most precious connection and I feel blessed to watch it all unfold. I know as they get older things will change. I imagine they will fight more than they do now. But I hope they will always remain close even when they don't agree. And know that they will always have each other.
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